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GraceCity worships at 11am on Sundays at 1308 Beason St. 21230. You also can view our service live online at 11am on Facebook and YouTube.

Maybe you know what’s wrong. Maybe you don’t. But what you know is that you need help. Here are some ways to find assistance:

  • I have a life-threatening situation (suicide, abuse, etc.). Call 911.
  • My crisis involves sickness or death (hospital visit, funeral, etc.). Call or email Corey Barnes
  • I have a marriage or family crisis. Call or email Bob Bingham
  • Not a member of GraceCity? Find City Services here, and Health and Mental Health Services here.


The purpose of the prayer team is for members of the church, with a passion and commitment to pray, to come together and pray for the needs and ministries of GraceCity. We focus our prayer time on our pastors, ministry leaders and individual ministries with a focus on seeking God’s will in these areas. Impacting others through the power of prayer is one of our greatest privileges.

Prayer is acknowledging and experiencing the presence of God and inviting His presence into our lives and circumstances. It’s seeking the presence and will of God for our lives. When we pray for each other we are asking God to make His presence known and to work powerfully on our behalf.

“For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives” Colossians 1:9 NIV

Our prayer team gathers every Sunday morning from 9:00-9:45 A.M. If you are interested in more information regarding joining the prayer team or are in need of prayer please contact us.


The purpose of the prayer team is for members of the church, with a passion and commitment to pray, to come together and pray for the needs and ministries of GraceCity. We focus our prayer time on our pastors, ministry leaders and individual ministries with a focus on seeking God’s will in these areas. Impacting others through the power of prayer is one of our greatest privileges.

Prayer is acknowledging and experiencing the presence of God and inviting His presence into our lives and circumstances. It’s seeking the presence and will of God for our lives. When we pray for each other we are asking God to make His presence known and to work powerfully on our behalf.

“For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives” Colossians 1:9 NIV

Our prayer team gathers every Sunday morning from 9:00-9:45 A.M. If you are interested in more information regarding joining the prayer team or are in need of prayer please contact us.

Pastoral Counseling

You should consider counseling when your relationships with others, with God, and with yourself seem to be spiraling downward, despite your best efforts to change them. Or you may be feeling discouraged, anxious, or depressed; these feelings may be more intense or lingering longer than you’d like. You may even find yourself acting in ways that are contrary to your core values. If any of these apply to you, Pastoral Counseling may help.

Many people have found the counseling process beneficial. A counselor comforts, prays, and offers guidance. A counselor can help you know yourself better, understand God more fully, and love others more Biblically.

Bob and Corey are available to help you decide if pastoral counseling is the appropriate path for you. Contact Mary Lou Gradisek for more information.

Pastoral Counseling

You should consider counseling when your relationships with others, with God, and with yourself seem to be spiraling downward, despite your best efforts to change them. Or you may be feeling discouraged, anxious, or depressed; these feelings may be more intense or lingering longer than you’d like. You may even find yourself acting in ways that are contrary to your core values. If any of these apply to you, Pastoral Counseling may help.

Many people have found the counseling process beneficial. A counselor comforts, prays, and offers guidance. A counselor can help you know yourself better, understand God more fully, and love others more Biblically.

Bob and Corey are available to help you decide if pastoral counseling is the appropriate path for you. Contact Mary Lou Gradisek for more information.

Singleness, Marriage and Family

Singles at GraceCity are legendary leaders and wonderful members of the GC family.  Periodically at GraceCity, we offer a two part series on the challenges and misconceptions around singleness.  During these series, we discuss singleness from the vantage of those still waiting for marriage to single parenting to those with the gift of singleness as described in the Scriptures

No one enters marriage hoping it only lasts a few years; however, statistics show that close to half of marriages fail. And statistics within the church are no better than those outside the church.  We believe the old adage that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and we want to do something about the disheartening downward trend in marriages. Here are two avenues to help…

Premarital workshop

Held four times a year at GraceCity’s founding church, this is a weekend of teaching and discussion around key topics in marriage including communication, finances, sex, God’s design, how your family of origin impacts your family of future, and building blocks of a healthy marriage. The workshop is for pre-engaged as well as engaged couples, and we encourage attending a workshop at least eight months before your wedding. The workshop is highly recommended for anyone wanting a GraceCity pastor to officiate their wedding and costs $125/couple.

Premarital Counseling

Information about marriage is a good thing; someone to walk with you beforehand is even better. Our marriage preparation process includes at least 4 sessions with Bob and Corey (after the workshop) to help them personalize the content from the workshop and get ready for marriage.

Contact us for information on any of these topics.

You are never alone at GraceCity unless you choose to be. We want to come alongside to support, nurture, and minister to you and your family through all of your life transitions:

  • for singles, whether for a season or a lifetime
  • from premarital preparation
  • through wedding and marriage enrichment
  • through birth and parenting
  • through preadolescence and the teenage years
  • through the empty nest
  • to end-of-life issues

Bringing wholeness to the city begins with healthy individuals who are consistently growing to be more like Jesus. For those who marry – healthy marriages create healthy families.  Healthy families and singles gather as one to make up healthy churches. And healthy churches bring health and hope to communities, thus expanding the Kingdom of God. So our hope and desire, simply stated, is this: to provide guidance and resources that support the spiritual growth and health of singles, marrieds, and families in our community.

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